
Property Tax Management System(PTMS)

Define Objectives

Determine the goals of your property tax survey. Are you looking to update property values, identify tax delinquencies, or improve overall tax collection efficiency?

Data Collection

Gather relevant property data, including ownership information, property boundaries, land use, building characteristics, and recent sales data. This data can come from various sources, including property deeds, tax records, and public databases.

GIS Data Preparation

Organize and digitize the collected data using GIS software. Create layers for different property attributes such as land parcels, property boundaries, zoning information, and land values.

Assessment Modeling

Utilize GIS tools and spatial analysis techniques to develop property assessment models. These models can be used to calculate property values based on factors like location, size, condition, and comparable property sales.

Data Integration

Integrate the property data with other relevant datasets, such as demographic data, land use, or infrastructure information. This can provide a comprehensive view of the properties in your jurisdiction.

Data Verification

Ensure data accuracy by cross-referencing GIS data with other sources and conducting field surveys when necessary. Accurate data is crucial for fair property tax assessments.

Tax Rate Calculation

Calculate property taxes based on the assessed property values and the applicable tax rates in your jurisdiction. GIS can assist in determining which properties fall into different tax brackets.

Notification and Communication

Use GIS to generate tax assessment notices and communicate with property owners. GIS maps and visualizations can help property owners understand how their tax assessments were determined.

Payment Processing

Implement a system for property tax payment processing, which can include online payment options. GIS can help manage payment records and track tax delinquencies.

Monitoring and Reporting

Continuously monitor property tax payments, delinquencies, and property values. Generate reports and dashboards using GIS to assess the effectiveness of your property tax system.

Public Access

Provide public access to property tax information through GIS-based web applications. This allows property owners to view their property details, tax assessments, and payment history online.

Training and Support

Train staff on how to use the GIS system effectively and provide ongoing support for any issues or questions that may arise.

Legal Compliance

Ensure that your property tax survey and assessment process complies with local laws and regulations. Seek legal counsel if necessary.